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Text File  |  1984-05-22  |  21KB  |  50 lines

  1. PCjr,general,editorial,commentary,future,forecast                C. Sandler                                   EDITOR'S WIRE - "Bringing Up Junior"                             PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1           6Editor discusses what to expect in upcoming issues of this mag-  azine, and also what to expect from IBM and the peripheral com-  panies in terms of improvements and enhancements in the PCjr.    
  2. PCjr,education,training,Krell,HBJ,SAT,college,exam,review        M. Porter                                    EDUCATION - "About Standard Aptitude"                            PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          13Review of two college exam preparation programs: Krell's College Board SAT Exam Preparation Series (by Krell Software) and The HBJComputer for the SAT (by Jarcourt Brace Jovanovich).             
  3. PCjr,communication,modem,telephone,consumer,tips                 E. Freedman                                  COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS - "The Lowdown on Link-ups"              PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          19In order to get started communicating with mainframes or dial-up services, a number of items must be obtained.  This article triesto prepare you for those unexpected financial expenses.          
  4. PCjr,Casino Games,Championship Blackjack,Stud Poker Parlor,reviewD. Kennedy                                   SCREEN PLAY - "Gambling on Junior"                               PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          29Review of the games: Casino Games (by PC Software), Championship Blackjack (PCsoftware), Stud Poker Parlor (by QSI Software), and Casino Games (by IBM).                                           
  5. PCjr,general,commentary,revision,update                          S. Manes                                     PERSONAL CURMUDGEON - "Aversions to Revisions"                   PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          37General commentary on "revisions" in software products.                                                                                                                                            
  6. PCjr,announcement,press conference,general                       L. Van Gelder                                "Junior Meets the Press"                                         PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          47The author discusses the IBM press conference that announced the arrival of the IBM PCjr.                                                                                                          
  7. PCjr,BASIC,tutorial,beginner,insert                              J. Woram                                     IT'S BASIC - "Language Lesson"                                   PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          53Very general discussion on the BASIC language.  [Also, an insert by author entitled "What Makes TESTPROG Run"].                                                                                    
  8. PCjr,BASIC,tutorial,insert,TESTPROG,beginner                     J. Woram                                     "What Makes TESTPROG Run"                                        PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          54Insert in "Language Lesson" by author, this article gives an     introductory-level BASIC program (called TESTPROG).                                                                               
  9. PCjr,price,cost,money,compatible                                                                              "Editor's Notebook: Hands On the PCjr"                           PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          62General description of the PCjr system. which contains the "PCjr Price List" and the "PCjr Compatibility Chart".                                                                                   
  10. PCjr,hardware,review                                             W. L. Rosch                                  "A Hard Look at Junior"                                          PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          68The author takes a critical look at the hardware of the PCjr.                                                                                                                                      
  11. PCjr,specification,technical,electrical,review                   W. L. Rosch                                  "A Hard Look at Junior: The Blueprints"                          PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          72The technical and electrical specifications of the PCjr are      given.                                                                                                                            
  12. PCjr,motherboard,photo,chip,microprocessor,review                W. L. Rosch                                  "A Hard Look at Junior: Chips Off the Old Block"                 PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          74A look at what's under the cover of the PCjr.  A photo shows the motherboard and the various chips.                                                                                                
  13. PCjr,word processor,HomeWord,Sierra On-Line,review               C. Sandler                                   "HomeWord Bound"                                                 PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          76Review of the PCjr word processor called HomeWord (by IBM).      (actually, prepared for IBM by Sierra On-Line Corporation).                                                                       
  14. PCjr,education,training,game,children,review                     D. Kennedy                                   "Advancing on Junior Educational Games"                          PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          80Review of the educational games: Bumble Games, Juggles' ButterflyBumble Plot, Animation Creation, Monster Math, and Adventures in Math.                                                            
  15. PCjr,Home Budget jr,review                                       D. Kennedy                                   "Home Budget Junior"                                             PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          85Review of Home Budget Junior (by IBM).                                                                                                                                                             
  16. PCjr,commentary,market,forecast,future                           W. L. Rosch                                  "On The Edge"                                                    PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          86Commentary on how third-party suppliers will greet the arrival ofthe PCjr (an "aftermarket response").                                                                                             
  17. PCjr,game,Mine Shaft,Mouser,Crossfire,review                     D. Kennedy                                   "Junior Arcade"                                                  PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          88Review of the games: Mine Shaft, Mouser, and Crossfire.                                                                                                                                            
  18. PCjr,HC-1 Home Commander,Device Master,BSR X-10,control,review   C. Sandler                                   "Home Control: Let Junior Do It"                                 PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1          92Review of the control system products: HC-1 Home Commander (by   Automatic Micro), Device Master (by Tecmar), BSR X-10 to RS-232C Interface GD-1530 (by Heath Co.), and BSR System X-10 (by BSR).  
  19. PCjr,Witness,Enchanter,Infocom,game,review                       D. Kennedy and S. Manes                      "Gumshoes & Gargoyles"                                           PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         103Review of the games: Witness and Enchanter (by Infocom, Inc.).                                                                                                                                     
  20. PCjr,CompuServe,review,insert                                    E. Freedman                                  "Through the CompuServe Looking Glass"                           PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         108Review of the CompuServe dial-up service.  [Also, inserts by     author entitled "The Right Stuff", "Compucosts", and "At the End of the Line"].                                                   
  21. PCjr,CompuServe,communication,modem,Vidtex,Vidplot               E. Freedman                                  "The Right Stuff"                                                PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         112Insert in "Through the CompuServe Looking Glass" by author, this article discusses the equipment needed in order to dial up Compu-Serve.  The CompuServe programs Vidtex and Vidplot are mentioned.
  22. PCjr,CompuServe,communication,cost,money                         E. Freedman                                  "Compucosts"                                                     PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         114Insert in "Through the CompuServe Looking Glass" by author, this article talks about the various costs incurred when dialing up   CompuServe.                                                      
  23. PCjr,CompuServe,company                                          E. Freedman                                  "At the End of the Line"                                         PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         116Insert in "Through the CompuServe Looking Glass" by author, this article describes the CompuServe organization and operation      located in Columbus, Ohio.                                       
  24. PCjr,KoalaPad,graphics,color,review,insert                       P. Somerson                                  "The Artistic Touch: KoalaPad Draws on PCjr"                     PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         122Review of the graphics tool called KoalaPad (by Koala Technolo-  gies Corporation).  [Also, an insert by T. Christopher entitled  "KoalaPad: Design for Living"].                                  
  25. PCjr,KoalaPad,graphics,insert,tutorial,living room,landscaping   T. Christopher                               "KoalaPad: Design for Living"                                    PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         124Insert in "The Artistic Touch: KoalaPad Draws on PCjr" by        P. Somerson, this article shows how to use the KoalaPad to plan  your living room and landscaping on the PCjr.                    
  26. PCjr,help,Q&A,communication,modem,LAN,103,212A,baud,parity,stop  S. Rosenthal                                 Q&A                                                              PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         1611)Data exchange (LANs or telephone hookup), 2)Modems (tutorial), 3)Type 103 vs. 212A modems, 4)Baud rates, stop bits, and parity  settings.                                                        
  27. PCjr,help,Q&A,DISKCOPY,file loss,hex,BAT,tutorial                P. Somerson                                  READER TO READER                                                 PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         1671)Disk backup, 2)Accidental erase (and recovery), 3)How to do hexarithmetic, 4)Lots about DISKCOPY and the do's and don'ts of     file copying, 5)Introduction to batch files.                     
  28. PCjr,software cartridge,tutorial                                 P. Norton                                    JUNIOR EXPLORER - "In the Beginning...PCjr"                      PCjr.   84/02 Feb v.1 n.1         173Tutorial on the software cartridges that the PCjr uses.                                                                                                                                            
  29. PCjr,general,editorial,commentary,Gilbert & Sullivan,humor       C. Sandler                                   EDITOR'S WIRE - " 'Twas the Night Before Taxes..."               PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2           6Editorial commentary with some IRS-oriented humor and a nice     quotation (song excerpt) from Gilbert & Sullivan's Iolanthe.                                                                      
  30. PCjr,education,The Learning Company,TLC,interview,game,insert    M. Porter                                    EDUCATION - "Juggles, Bumbles and Junior"                        PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2           9Interview with The Learning Company, who created the three educa-tional games Bumble Games, Juggles' Butterfly, and Bumble Plot.  [Also, insert entitled "Choosing Courseware: Help Is On The Way"]
  31. PCjr,education,Micro-Courseware Profile,magazine,insert,consumer M. Porter                                    "Choosing Courseware: Help Is On The Way"                        PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          12Insert in "Juggles, Bumbles and Junior" by author, this article  talks about the Educational Products Information Exchange of New York and the bi-monthly publication: Micro-Courseware Profile.   
  32. PCjr,communication,videotex,future,forecast                      E. Freedman                                  COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS - "The World on a Screen"                PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          19Overview of the videotex and some thoughts about the future of   this industry.                                                                                                                    
  33. PCjr,general,commentary,game                                     D. Kennedy                                   SCREEN PLAY - "The Big Chill and Other Stories"                  PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          27General commentary on "how does it feel to be an electronic game editor in 1984?"                                                                                                                  
  34. PCjr,commentary,metaphor,advertize,PR                            S. Manes                                     PERSONAL CURMUDGEON - "Metaphorically Speaking"                  PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          35Commentary on the use of metaphors in the promotion of computers.                                                                                                                                  
  35. PCjr,Treating Erection Problems,Psycomp,psychology,medical,reviewL. Van Gelder                                "Advice for the Lovelorn"                                        PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          41Review of the psychological program (for lack of better words)   called Treating Erection Problems (by Psycomp) (believe it or    not!!!).                                                         
  36. PCjr,tax,software,product,review                                 P. Borsook and E. Freedman                   "The Returns Are In!"                                            PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          52Review of the income tax programs: The Tax Optimizer, Taxcut,    Tax Templates, Tax$imple, Tax Preparer, Softax, and Taxcomp.     Price comparison table given.                                    
  37. PCjr,tax,software,advice,tips,IRS,law                            P. Borsook                                   "What the Experts Think"                                         PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          61PCjr magazine talked with representatives from the IRS, account- ants, and lawyers who specialize in computers and taxes.  Sug-   gestions and tips are given in this article.                     
  38. PCjr,game,Oil Barons,EPYX,review                                 A. Schwartz                                  "Barrels of Fun for Armchair Capitalists:OIL BARONS A Real GusherPCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          64Review of the game called Oil Barons (by EPYX).                                                                                                                                                    
  39. PCjr,interview,David F. O'Connor,IBM,project manager             C. Sandler                                   "Present at the Creation"                                        PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          70Interview with IBM's David F. O'Connor, the project manager for  the PCjr.                                                                                                                         
  40. PCjr,IBM,market,interview,Douglas LeGrande                       M. Porter                                    "Junior Goes to Market"                                          PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          80Interview with IBM vice president Douglas LeGrande, who will     oversee the selling of the PCjr.                                                                                                  
  41. PCjr,space shuttle,MS-DOS,GRiD,NASA,Enterprise                   K. Sanders                                   "MS-DOS in Outer Space"                                          PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          90Description of the GRiD computer on board the space shuttle that uses the MS-DOS operating system.                                                                                                 
  42. PCjr,board,peripheral,Tecmar,Quadram                             W. L. Rosch                                  "Peripheral Visions"                                             PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2          96Preliminary views of several boards that will soon be available  for the PCjr (made by Tecmar and Quadram).                                                                                        
  43. PCjr,game,Adventure in Serenia,Infocom,review                    D. Kennedy                                   "Lost in Serenia?"                                               PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         104Review of the game called Adventure in Serenia (created for IBM  by Infocom).                                                                                                                      
  44. PCjr,COMDEX,show,Las Vegas                                       W. L. Rosch                                  "Junior Steals the Show"                                         PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         111Description of the COMDEX show in Las Vegas.                                                                                                                                                       
  45. PCjr,BASIC,tutorial,beginner                                     J. M. Woram                                  IT'S BASIC - "Language Lesson"                                   PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         121Tutorial computer logic (switches), memory, ASCII characters,    modes, strings, constants, and other rather elementary concepts.                                                                  
  46. PCjr,dog-of-the-month,VC,Avalon Hill,game,review                                                              DOG OF THE MONTH                                                 PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         139Review (bad) of the game called VC (by Avalon Hill).                                                                                                                                               
  47. PCjr,help,Q&A,maintenance,screen,drive heads,tips                S. Rosenthal                                 Q&A                                                              PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         1411)Maintenance tips, 2)Cleaning the monitor screen, 3)Coffee      spills, 4)Cleaning disk drive heads (how long will they last?).                                                                   
  48. PCjr,help,Q&A,tutorial,drive,DISKCOPY,DISKCOMP,FORMAT            P. Somerson                                  READER TO READER                                                 PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         147Tutorial on drives (reasons for having two), DISKCOPY, FORMAT,   and DISKCOMP.                                                                                                                     
  49. PCjr,software cartridge,category,tutorial                        P. Norton                                    JUNIOR EXPLORER - "Playing the (Cartridge) Slots"                PCjr.   84/03 Mar v.1 n.2         157Continuation of last month's tutorial on the basics of software  cartridges with emphasis on how they fall into distinct cate-    gories.                                                          
  50. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \